Gay Body Art and Miss Liu Ling’s Traveling Silk Dream – 劉綾 遊綾驚夢

Gay Body Art and Miss Liu Ling's Traveling Silk Dream

To continue this month’s focus on local art and artists within the gay community, MaleQ chose this week to feature Miss Liu Ling, an artist from Taiwan who incorporates a beautiful mix of Indian Style body painting and male figure photography.  Her work stands out with natural tones with a unique look and story behind each photo.  I met Miss Liu after a Tarot reading where she told me a little bit about my future and herself.  It was then that she introduced me to the amazing art and photography she has been doing for the past few years and I knew I had to share it with more people.  Below is some more information about her work and her personal history as an artist and body painter.  (Interview Translated from Chinese)

Can you first give a short introduction about yourself?  What are your interests, including your location and past life/work experience?

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Hi~ I am Ling Liou.  A lot of people call me “Witchy” (because I also do Tarot readings.) Right now, I live in Taizhong City and have my own studio where I do Indian style paintings, Tarot Readings, and other naturalistic and artistic services.  I am interested in cooking, body painting, bondage, cosplay, and my personal brand (called Witch Hunts).  I like to meet new people and share my creativity with others, so in 2010 I began to participate local bazaars selling my own branded designs, along within a variety of other street events.

I have already studied Indian painting for 5 years. I began with painting hands (which traditionally is supposed to be painted on all four limbs), and later on I met a photographer who pushed me to do more large-scale body paintings, and was willing to help me shoot my work. It was after a great response from my friends that I really started my “body-painting journey”.  Since my previous “Witch Hunts” Facebook page was not allowed to have much nudity, I had to open up another one!

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How do you describe the theme/style for your artwork? Do you have any artist or themes that inspire your style?

“How do I describe my theme? I can’t say that I have a certain theme or style.  I mean, I would like to try different styles, and as for my artwork, I believe that I don’t just paint on bodies, I paint a world of desire, expressing the restriction of different characters in society. And I let my models be the characters that I want to present. You can also probably see that I like to take photos of myself in my own work.” 

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When did you first become interested in body painting and photography?

“When I finished my first piece of artwork is when I began to appreciate the beauty of bodies and their structure.  It was then that I realized my fascination towards the human body and sex.  In my work, I try to use my model’s bodies as my canvas to express the warmth and energy that each of them has brought to me.  I combine my creativity with photography and it shows the diversity of each of my works of art. But sometimes I can get into a cycle that I can not get out of and produce work that I am not very satisfied with.”

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What made you interested in photographing gay subjects?

“Oh~ I am not only interested in photographing gay guys, but instead all naked bodies. It just so happens that most straight guys are cocky, and think that my approach them is in order to date them or have sex with them.

I did a series of nude photographs with a male model a few years ago.  I find that lots of straight guys are not nice to larger girls; they don’t think that big girls should be showing their bodies. However, gay men are not afraid to be naked, and they understand it is for art.  They tend to support me for what I do.”

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How have people reacted to your work? Do you receive any criticism, good or bad?

“Some people can’t tell the difference between art and erotica.  They judge my work and think the reason that I am drawing on bodies is just to get attention.  But as a straight girl, I am quite welcome in the LGBT community, yet that doesn’t seem to save me from all the mean comments that people who disagree with my artwork give me.

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How has your work evolved over time? Do you have any new inspirations or projects you want to work on?

“I don’t even understand how everything turned out to how it is right now. Some photographers and models volunteered to be involved to my work. In the begining, my models all used to wear clothes, and now they don’t. Later on, I learned a lot about BDSM and started my own “Bondage” series. I also learned how to do makeup last year, and my work has since been more different and interesting. I want to challenge myself with new ideas and people in the future.”

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What photograph are you most proud of?

“The photo of me and 5 male models encircle together, and all of them have my body paintings. (below)”

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What/who do you want to photograph next?

“I want to do a Mermaid series. I have already chosen the models, and have also made a swimsuit that mimics the tail of a fish. I am interested in Chinese literature, and would like to try some of their themes like a focus on flowers, or “The Dream of the Red Chamber”.  Also, maybe some foreigner models would like to be a part of my shootings, I haven’t had that experience yet.”

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Do you have any thoughts or comments you want to give to your audience?

I am aware that my work is still not good enough, everything to me is still new and strange. I will keep striving to be better, and I want people to understand the difference between body art and pornography, and see that a large girl can take on different shooting challenges.

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[ View Liu Ling’s full Portfolio on Facebook ]

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劉綾-MQ在這一週要來帶大家關注另一個台灣當地的同志社群藝術家–劉綾老師的作品。 她是一位台灣藝術家,其攝影創作融合了印度人體彩繪和男性的身體線條之美,她作品中自然的色調、特殊的表現型態以及照片背後的故事使她的作品獨樹一格。 我(MaleQ的創辦者)遇見劉綾是在一次塔羅占卜,當時她除了幫我占卜之外,我們也聊了許多有關她的正在從事的藝術工作,以及她在這幾年來所做的藝術以及拍攝的作品。我在當下就決定要將這一切分享給更多的人,也開始著手這份分享文。 我將在今天這篇文章中和大家分享這位台灣藝術家的的創作背景,以及許多她的精彩作品! 劉綾介紹 你會怎麼向大家介紹你自己呢? 可否談談你的興趣、居住的城市、工作經驗和創作理念? 「嗨~我是劉綾,很多人叫我女巫 (因為會塔羅占卜。)目前住在台中市有自己一間工作室(做。純的) 提供印度彩繪、塔羅、和其他藝術性質的服務。興趣是下廚、人體彩繪、繩縛、Cosplay,也在經營個人品牌(禁獵女巫)。 因為本身很喜歡與人接觸分享自己創作,所以2010年開始參加創意市集販售自創品牌設計並參與各種街頭藝人表演。學習印度彩繪已經五年,剛開始是畫在手部(傳統是畫在四肢)後來一次偶然機會遇到攝影師他說我能挑戰大型作品,願意幫我拍作品集,朋友反應還不錯就開始身體創作之旅。因為禁獵女巫粉絲團不適合放太裸露作品~所以女巫只好再開粉絲團經營!我曾經夢見自己與夢中的模特兒有身體接觸,結果醒來之後就遇到夢中的模特兒,才有了遊綾驚夢的發想,這故事改編自中國名著「牡丹亭遊園驚夢」,講述有一個人夢到與另一個人談戀愛私奔,後來在醒著的時候也遇到同樣的人的故事,也意謂記憶和情慾之間往復的慾望,靈肉與流離的情境糾結。」 你會怎麼描述你在藝術創作上的主題和風格? 曾受到任何藝術家或藝術主題啟發嗎? 「如何描述我的主題?沒有一定的主題耶,很多風格我都想嘗試。至於我的藝術工作,我畫的不是身體而是我的慾望世界,表達出我對扮演社會角色束縛和控制,讓模特兒扮演任何表達我作品角色,我也很喜歡跟自己作品拍照。」 你在什麼時候開始對身體藝術和攝影有興趣? 「在我完成第一個作品時候。透過影像呈現身體線條之美,我發現自己對身體與情色迷戀,以身體當作畫布自然表露,感受人體溫度及每個模特兒為我帶來能量,創作和攝影結合營造出層次感和變化性,不過也常常進入撞牆期或是無法畫出滿意作品。」 是什麼原因讓你對同志的攝影感興趣? 「喔~我對裸體身體都有興趣,不只是同志攝影,只是異性戀男生常常都很自以為是,覺得我想認識他們是為了交往或想發生性關係,前幾年自己裸體跟男性裸拍,發現異男大多對於肥胖的女性比較不友善,不認為大尺碼女性因該展現自己身體,反觀男同志對身體裸露不抗拒,也明白他們只是創作藝術作品,並支持我的創作。」 大家對你的作品響應如何?  你有收過好的評價或不好的評價嗎? 「有些人無法分辨藝術跟情色的差別,他們會批評我的作品只不過是利用裸體來吸引目光罷了,雖然身為一個異性戀女性的我受到很多同志社群的愛戴,那些有支持不代表我不會聽到很多不禮貌的評論。」   你的作品風格是否有隨著時間改變呢? 你未來想要朝向什麼樣的風格做創作? 「我也不知道怎麼發展到現在變成這樣~攝影師跟模特兒自己跑來的,原本模特兒有穿衣服後來變成沒穿衣服,之後認識BDSM開始繩縛作品,去年學化妝後作品就越來越多元化。未來想挑戰沒有嘗試過的人事物。」…

時盛末生-台灣同志的臉龐- 男性攝影師 私處 l 男相

時盛末生-這個月的MaleQ人物專訪將帶大家認識當地同志圈的藝術及藝術家。 這一週,是台灣當地的男性同志攝影師,時盛末生(sueo tokimori)。他的作品著重在於模特的質地以及顏色調和搭配上創意的造型(或是沒有任何衣服)展現出令人驚豔的攝影作品。我們偶然在一間位在台灣台中的畫廊裡遇見他的作品,並且幾乎是立即地想要知道更多有關於他的作品內容。接下來將介紹到時盛末生的出身背景,以及他拍攝同志作品背後的靈感和故事。 時盛末生介紹 請你先介紹一下自己嗎? 你的興趣、你住哪個城市、還有你的工作經驗和關於你的藝術? 「我是時盛末生(sueo tokimori)這當然是藝名啊!另外一個名字是仲河原青雨,都是日文名字,日本文化中的漢字(kanji)來說象徵著末日重生的意思,興趣大概是到處流浪、攝影、思考很複雜的人生哲理。我是台北人,但是在日本工作近五年,目前定居在台中市,喜歡步調慢的生活。學生時代工作大多以餐飲業為主,退伍後第一個工作,便是去日本當勞工(Working Holidays),從事旅遊觀光業,走遍很多個日本城鄉,最後因生涯規劃回台灣從事廣告業,目前則是自己開立工作室,從事影像藝術創作維生。」 怎麼描敘你的作品主題和風格?你有任何啟發你的藝術風格的藝術家或藝術主題? 「與其說我的藝術是工作,不如說是我的生活哲學,我喜歡有人味道的東西,那是一種溫度、一種持續發酵的情感,不盲目追求流行的技法,也許不受大眾歡迎,但我還是有自己的市場的(笑),其實我並非藝術背景出身,我大學念資訊管理,研究所念日本的研究所,多少帶點日本元素。」 「我喜歡很多藝術人與作品,但我會參考,看完就忘記,然後創作的時候,也沒特別喜好,只是當下覺得喜歡,就按下快門,僅止於此,意外地沒想到蠻多人喜歡的。」 是什麼讓你對同志的攝影感到興趣? 「問題我大概回答有30次了吧!我不是同志,已婚還有兩歲的小孩,記得第一次在絕美的夕陽美景下拍攝女同志婚紗時,卻被女模特投訴,只因為一隻蚊子,從此改變了我的人生,展開了我的同志人體攝影。但令我訝異的是,同志對於身體的展露與自信高過於其他人,對懶散的我而言,叫他們脫衣服就會脫衣服,脫褲子就會脫褲子,而且還不用準備換衣服的地方。(懺悔中)」 有任何人對你的藝術工作有什麼反應嗎?你有收過好的評價或不好的評價嗎? 「父母很反對,老實說,他們寧願我在銀行上班,甚至在加油站打工也比當攝影師好。好的評價與不好的評價都很多,會開心也會沮喪,然後以整model為樂(再次懺悔),不過攝影作品來說,我的還是非主流,沒有漂亮的光質,沒有同志喜歡的肌肉肉體,不喜歡磨皮甚至被說不會使用photoshop,因為我覺得皮膚的紋路與細節是每個人擁有得特別美,我寧願全數保留,但是也因為如此,我的代價是很難找到model,不過喜歡我的人非常喜歡,甚至我脫光一個model的衣服拍攝,也不會有情色感,這是我驕傲的地方。」 你的藝術怎麼發展的?你未來想要朝向什麼樣的風格? 「我的藝術(?)不如說我的鬧劇,喜歡玩弄很多新的元素,唯一不變的是,我找models都是有故事的人,那個故事是會讓我興奮到睡不著覺的人,所以合作起來特別有感覺,也不會無聊。若是一般的model,老實說,作品是沒靈魂的,而且是會草草結束。 未來風格,我還是想留下一些略帶嘲諷,卻有點反叛又帶點思考人性的作品,還是無法賺錢的東西。」 你最滿意的作品是什麼? 「烏鴉系列。」 「老實說,我的靈魂有很大的烏鴉元素,討人厭但是還是努力維持的嬌貴的樣子。」 下次你想要拍什麼人或主題? 「關於陰莖餐桌禮儀的69種69姿勢,陰莖是個好東西,每個至少要有一隻,或一隻以上(誤),老實說男體攝影到目前台灣社會還是很難被接受,女體卻是趨之若鶩,這讓我很不爽,所以我更利至於發展與推廣,我甚至有創了一個臉書的男體攝影社團,謝絕所有女性。(小心眼)」 時盛末生作品…


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